51 items found, showing page 4 of 5
Morrisons in Auchinleck receives community defibrillator
Morrisons in Auchinleck recently received life-saving equipment donated by GMC Corsehill Limited.
Kay Park Bowling Club receives community defibrillator
Kay Park Bowling Club recently received life-saving equipment donated by CJM Accountancy and Financial Management.
Willowbank School achieves Allergy Aware status in East Ayrshire first
Willowbank School in Kilmarnock has become the first school in East Ayrshire to achieve Allergy Aware status as part of a new allergy awareness initiative developed by Catering Services, Health and Safety, and Educational Services.
Knockentiber Together receives community defibrillator
Knockentiber Together recently received life-saving equipment donated by TCS Response.
Glen Afton Football Club receives community defibrillator
Glen Afton Football Club recently received life-saving equipment donated by Shuttle Buses.
Muirkirk Football Club receives community defibrillator
Muirkirk Football Club recently received life-saving equipment donated by Tivoli.
Gatehead Community Centre receive community defibrillator
Gatehead Community Centre recently received life-saving equipment donated by MJD & Sons.
Suicide First Aiders share their experiences
As part of East Ayrshire Council’s ‘Here to Listen’ suicide prevention strategy, forty of its volunteer Suicide First Aiders attended a support group meeting recently to share their experiences of helping to provide suicide interventions to 132 people, and to find out about new suicide prevention and wellbeing resources.
Annanhill Golf Club and North West Bowling Club receive community defibrillators
Annanhill Golf Club and North West Bowling Club recently received life-saving equipment donated by Prism Medical.
Greenhead Playing Field receives community defibrillator
Greenhead Playing Field, New Cumnock recently received life-saving equipment donated by Confida FM.
Ochiltree Bowling Club receives community defibrillator
Ochiltree Bowling Club recently received life-saving equipment donated by B & G Contracts and Bowman Garden Machinery.
Three more defibrillators delivered to local communities
The ground-breaking, life-saving partnership initiative launched by East Ayrshire Council is continuing to bear fruit as three more local community groups received defibrillator equipment donated by local contractors.