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EAC 16 Days of Action 04

16 Days campaign set to launch to highlight issues of gender-based violence

An early launch of East Ayrshire’s 16 Days of Action campaign took place at Netherthird Community Centre this week, starting off a series of East Ayrshire events that will raise awareness of gender-based violence from 25 November until 10 December.


Improved Financial Position

Elected Members welcomed news earlier this week that the Council’s financial position has improved with the projected overspend for the current financial year reducing from £20m to £14m.

Free parking

Free Christmas parking after 2pm in Kilmarnock town centre

Free parking after 2pm will once again be available within all Council car parks and on-street parking bays in Kilmarnock town centre throughout December to help shoppers at the busiest time of the year.

Provost and Depute Provost

New civic appointments at East Ayrshire Council

East Ayrshire Council elected a new Provost and Depute Provost at its Council meeting last week.

Postal vote

Postal votes arriving soon for Wards 3 and 9 by-elections

Postal votes for the by-elections in Ward 3 (Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse) and Ward 9 (Doon Valley) will be arriving through letterboxes soon.

Ayrshire business event October 2024

Event charts economic journey since bold Strategy launch

TOM Arthur, Minister for Employment and Investment, was the special guest at a major business event in Ayrshire this week. The bold Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy (RES) was launched in June 2023 and the ‘Making and Keeping the £ in Ayrshire’ event at Ayrshire College, Kilwinning, was a chance to explore the journey since it was launched.

East Ayrshire Council

Leisure and Culture Review obtains Council approval

At a meeting for Full Council yesterday, Elected Members agreed a number of recommendations tabled as part of the Leisure and Culture Review.

Garden Award winners 2024

Garden competition winners are blooming marvellous

East Ayrshire Council’s annual garden competition recognises the top amateur gardeners from across East Ayrshire.

Living Wage employer

East Ayrshire Council supports Living Wage Week

East Ayrshire Council will once again be supporting Living Wage Week (4-10 November) as an accredited Living Wage Employer that wants to ensure that people are paid fairly for the work they do.

Cllr Morrison performs the official opening ceremony

Official opening of Skills and Learning 66 in Netherthird

Netherthird’s Skills and Learning 66 (SL66) has been officially opened by Councillor Shona Morrison, President of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) at a special celebration event.

Cllr Cowan with the Catrine ECC film crew

Best value service review of Early Years – recommendations agreed at Cabinet

At the recent meeting of Cabinet, a Best Value Service Review of East Ayrshire Council’s Early Learning and Childcare provision was considered and eight recommendations were agreed, which will see £394,000 being invested in the service.

EA Youth Awards 2025

Nominate now for East Ayrshire Youth Awards 2025

Do you know a child or young person who deserves to be recognised for their efforts or achievements?