
1639 items found, showing page 4 of 137

Elizabeth Kirkpatrick 100th birthday

Elizabeth Kirkpatrick celebrates 100th birthday

Elizabeth Kirkpatrick and family have been celebrating her centenary in Fenwick.

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Last chance to access grants of up to £1,000 through the Ayrshire Small-Scale Tree Planting Programme

The Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Partnership is starting 2025 with a fresh call for applications to its pioneering tree-planting programme, which focuses on small areas of publicly accessible land with potential to support wildlife and wellbeing.

East Ayrshire Council

Station improvements mean easier, safer, greener bus travel for all Kilmarnock passengers

Bus travel in Kilmarnock is getting easier and more comfortable, thanks to a £4.4m refurbishment of the town’s bus station – the culmination of years of work by East Ayrshire Council and its partners.

East Ayrshire Council

Moorfield expansion plans approved

Planning Permission in Principle has been granted for a major expansion of the Moorfield industrial park in Kilmarnock as part of the Ayrshire Growth Deal.

Mr & Mrs Scott DW

John and Frances Scott celebrate Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Depute Provost John McGhee visited Kilmaurs couple John and Frances Scott recently to congratulate them on 60 years of marriage.

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Killie Trust Festive Futsal Cup

The Kilmarnock FC East Ayrshire Primary Supporters Club and Killie Trust ran a successful Killie Trust Festive Futsal Cup at Annanhill Primary this week. 

A new defibrillator fitted at Crosshouse Primary School. At the school, Colin McCormack from St John Scotland, Depute Head Kirsty Tomson and the team from Mobityres including Lynne and John Paton. Asha and Reuben from P7 watched over P1 twins Carey and Calvin as they held up the life-saving device

Mobityres donates life-saving community defibrillator

Crosshouse Primary School recently received life-saving equipment donated by Lynne and John Paton from Mobityres.

Chris Smith and family MBE

Grange teacher visits the Palace to receive honour

Grange Academy’s Chris Smith visited Buckingham Palace with his family recently to receive an MBE from Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal.

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Council Leader's festive message

As 2024 draws to a close, I tend to reflect on the year just gone and think about home and family and I’d like to take a moment to appreciate all those who go the extra mile to help make all our lives better, safer and happier.  

Kilmarnock Academy drone competition

Kilmarnock Academy recognised at national quadcopter competition

A team of four young people – Noah, Jack, Oliver and Taylor – from Kilmarnock Academy, with their teachers Mr Campbell and Mrs Lindsay, travelled to the 2024 RTX Quadcopter Challenge Final at RAF Cosford, recently.

Past Provost Todd with Depute Head Kirsty Mitchel with children from the ECC and Heidi, Murray and Oral, Dunlop PS school captains

Dunlop Early Childhood Centre officially opens at special ceremony

Dunlop Early Childhood Centre has been officially opened by Past Provost Jim Todd at a special ceremony where he unveiled a plaque.

EAC Provost Claire Leitch 01

Provost’s festive message

This is my first festive season as Provost of East Ayrshire and it’s been a wonderfully busy time attending Christmas concerts, school nativities and other festive events across our many communities.