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Cabinet Secretary sees health transformation in action in East Ayrshire

Jeane Freeman, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport visited East Ayrshire this week to learn about some of the excellent work that the Council is carrying out in support of health and social care.

East Ayrshire Council

Temporary closure of Western Road recycling depot

On Tuesday 25 September, the Western Road recycling depot in Kilmarnock will close weekdays, with every effort being made to return to normal operating hours prior to the Christmas period.

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Carriageway resurfacing – A735 Lugton Road, Dunlop

As part of East Ayrshire’s extensive £6m road resurfacing programme, the A735 Lugton Road, Dunlop was due to benefit from resurfacing works.

Liam and Siobham McIlvanney

McIlvanney’s next chapter marks new era for education in East Ayrshire

Heralded by messages of support and congratulation from renowned Scottish authors, educators and politicians from all parties, the £45 million William McIlvanney Campus in Kilmarnock has today (11 September 2018) been officially opened.

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Eat Safe Awards for Galston Primary

Galston Primary has earned an Eat Safe Award for their high standards of hygiene, cleanliness and food safety.

Formal opening group at campus

An ath chaibideil aig McIlvanney gu bhith a’ comharrachadh linn ùr airson foghlam ann an Siorrachd Àir an Ear

Le teachdaireachdan taiceil a’ cur fàilte is meal-a-naidheachd air bho ùghdaran ainmeil Albannach, bho luchd-foghlaim agus bho luchd-poilitigs de gach pàrtaidh, chaidh an Campas Uilleim McIlvanney ann an Cille Mheàrnaig, a chosg £45 millean, fhosgladh gu h-oifigeil an-diugh (11 Sultain 2018).

EAC Station disabled access 26

An uplifting Story story - as station prepares to make access easier for all

Parents with pushchairs and anyone with mobility issues will soon find train travel to and from Kilmarnock a lot easier thanks to a major engineering project at Kilmarnock Station.  And Councillor Clare Maitland, Cabinet Spokesperson for Equalities, Inclusion and Poverty on East Ayrshire Council, popped over to see the installation of two new lifts for herself.

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Free burial services for children

At the recent meeting of Cabinet, an important decision was taken to support bereaved parents within East Ayrshire.

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Kay Park pond fountain official opening

Kay Park pond has been officially re-opened and a new fountain switched on to mark the occasion.