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Council agrees to boost Family Pandemic Payments
East Ayrshire Councillors today approved proposals to boost the Family Pandemic Payments (FPPs) by a further £50 to assist low income families at this time.

Essential weekend maintenance on A77 at Dutch House roundabout – commencing Friday 14 January 2022
Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland as part of the Network Management Contract for the South-West Trunk Road Unit, are undertaking essential maintenance on the A77 at Dutch House Roundabout from 8pm on Friday 14 January until 6am on Monday 17 January 2022.
Traffic management will take place on a continuous basis during this period.

A Christmas message from Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader, East Ayrshire Council
As 2021 comes to a close it’s natural that we reflect on these difficult times and look forward with some anxiety to the year ahead. This pandemic has certainly been trying, but we can also take heart from having seen the very best of people and communities as we’ve all pulled together, looked after each other and learned to appreciate what really matters in life.

Provost's festive message 2021
The festive season is upon us once again, and as it’s my first as Provost of East Ayrshire, I’d like to thank everyone I’ve met over the last few months who has welcomed me in my new role.

Improvement works Victoria Bridge, Kilmarnock
Update Tuesday 8 March 2022 - Phase One was scheduled to finish by Thursday 10 March but is now expected to finish by the end of April. A full update is available from the Ayrshire Roads Alliance website

East Ayrshire gears up to take new lead role in employability
Training for, and finding, a job with good career prospects and ongoing support in East Ayrshire is set to get easier from April - with major changes in funding and the way in which employability services are delivered throughout Scotland.

Joint initiative tackles litter at Kilmarnock Academy
Kilmarnock Academy has joined forces with the Council’s Corporate Enforcement Unit and Police Scotland to tackle littering.

Education Service Standards and Quality Report 2020/21
The Education Service Standards and Quality Report for 2020/21 was presented at the recent meeting of East Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet, providing a detailed insight into the work carried out within our educational establishments and the success achieved by our children and young people.

Kilmarnock Academy wins a national Fair Trade award
Kilmarnock Academy has won a Scottish Fair Trade award, in recognition of its work promoting Fair Trade, at a recent virtual ceremony.

New MSYPs elected
The newest Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament were recently elected for the East Ayrshire Council constituencies of Cumnock and Doon Valley and Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley.

Recycling is child’s play at Netherthird Primary
P3/4 at Netherthird Primary have taken delivery of new recycling bins for their playground, which will make recycling even easier for the whole school.

Have your say on Hurlford street designs
Plans to improve Hurlford village centre have taken a step forward with residents and local businesses being asked for views on updated proposals.