
143 items found, showing page 10 of 12

Cllr Cowan presents a certificate to HT Tracy Smallwood, with Mark Hunter from Catering Services, David Doran from Health and Safety plus Janet Black from Willowbank Catering team and Jayne Sangstr, Chair of the Parent Council

Willowbank School achieves Allergy Aware status in East Ayrshire first

Willowbank School in Kilmarnock has become the first school in East Ayrshire to achieve Allergy Aware status as part of a new allergy awareness initiative developed by Catering Services, Health and Safety, and Educational Services.

Cllr Reid performs the official ground-breaking with Cllrs McKay, McFadzean, McGhee, Freel and Canning; Head Teacher Mrs Kelly, Depute Head Mrs Nouillan, Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Andrew Kennedy and representatives from Education, Facilities and Property Management and main contractor Ashleigh

Official ground-breaking at Dunlop Early Childhood Centre

Leader of the Council, Councillor Douglas Reid officially broke the ground at the site of the new Dunlop Early Childhood Centre with Calvin, George, Sophia, Isabel and Sandy from the ECC.

Carson and Super Tattie

Super Tattie visits Dalmellington Primary

Super Tattie, the Council’s new school meal mascot dropped into Dalmellington Primary recently to meet his creator - Carson from P7.

Ellie and Dolly at Patna ECC

Dolly Parton’s imagination library at Patna Early Childhood Centre

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is coming to Patna thanks to funding from The Coalfields Regeneration Trust.

East Ayrshire Council

Loudoun Valley Trust helps five local primary schools

Loudoun Valley Trust has donated £400 to five local schools to ensure that all children and young people can participate in fun and educational trips.

The Robert Burns Academy team-2

4th and 6th equals maths success for two East Ayrshire schools

The Robert Burns Academy and Grange Academy competed in the Enterprising Maths in Scotland national finals at the Glasgow Science Centre this week taking fourth and sixth place respectively.

Depute Provost Leitch with Tiegan and Casey

Innovative DYW Doon Skills Academy is officially open!

Depute Provost Claire Leitch officially opened the innovative Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Doon Skills Academy recently by cutting a ribbon with Tiegan and Casey from Doon Academy.

Ceilidh fun

25 years of Gaelic Medium Education in East Ayrshire celebrated

25 years of Gaelic Medium Education in East Ayrshire has been celebrated with a week of special events including a traditional Ceilidh.

Cllr Elaine Cowan, Cllr James Adams, HT Scott Robertson with S2's who earned their John Muir Award

S2’s from Grange Academy earn their John Muir Award

90 young people from S2 at Grange Academy were presented with a John Muir Award recently for environmental work within their local community.

East Ayrshire Council

Full Council agrees funding bid for North West Kilmarnock

At the recent meeting of Full Council, it was agreed to submit a final funding bid to the Scottish Government Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) Phase 3 for an inclusive educational development in North West Kilmarnock, on the sites of Mount Carmel Primary and Onthank Primary and Early Childhood Centre.

LtoR Head Teacher Scott Robertson, Kayleigh Williamson, Cllr Elaine Cowan and Cllr James Adams

Prestigious Institute of Physics award for Grange Academy physics teacher

Physics teacher Kayleigh Williamson from Grange Academy has been awarded a 2022 Teacher of Physics Award from the Institute of Physics (IOP) for their inspirational physics teaching.

Cllr Reid with Cllrs Cowan, Linton, Jones, Chief Executive Eddie Fraser, Linda McAulay-Griffiths, HT Tina Gaitens and children and young people from Crosshouse PS and Communication Centre

Crosshouse Primary and Communication Centre key handover

“The new toys are amazing!” and “We love our new school” – that was the expert verdict of the children and young people from Crosshouse Primary and Communication Centre at the official key handover.